pyMagnum API

class magnum.Magnum

This class handles all intercommunications with the network

magnum.__init__(device='/dev/ttyUSB0', timeout=0.001, packets=50, cleanpackets=True, trace=False)
  • device

    The serial device to connect to, defaults to /dev/ttyUSB0

    NOTE: If the device name is prefixed with a ! the rest of the name is treated as a filename and is read for data. The format of the text must be the same as the output generated by the magtest program. this is useful for debugging.

  • packets (int) – How many packets to capture in one sample, defaults to 50. Increase this size if you want a better analysis of the packets. Decrease to improve response time but don’t make it too small or you will get incomplete data.

  • cleanpackets (boolean) – Allow object to try to fixup two adjacent UNKNOWN packets by merging them, defaults to True

  • timeout (float) – How much time delay, in fractions of second, to trigger end of packet, defaults to 0.001 second

  • trace (boolean) – Enable adding a list of every packet processed since last getDevices(). The trace, is added to the “trace” dictionary item as a list of packet type and HEX of packet pairs, Defaults to False


Get a list of connected devices


List of device dictionaries

Each dictionary has two or, optionally, three items:

  • device - One of INVERTER, REMOTE, AGS, BMK, RTR, ACLD or PT100

  • data - A dictionary of name/value pairs for the fields in the device.

  • trace - If trace is set to True then trace will have a list of tuples of every packet since last time invoked


Retrieves the raw packets from the network. This is not normally used.


List of tuple objects

tuple contents:

  • name of packet

  • bytes of packet

  • tuple of unpacked values for fields in packet - Based on ME documentation


Retrieves the name of the communication device for this instance of of the class. This is useful for generating messages.


String containing name of device, such as /dev/ttyUSB0

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